
Teach a lesson, fundraise, help public school students succeed.

Teach-A-Thon是一个筹款活动, 公众意识运动, 社交机会, 团队建设练习, 和更多的... 

Teach-A-Thon将商业专业人士联系起来, 烹饪专业, 和社区领袖(公立学校冠军)进入教育领域,让他们站在当前教育者的立场上至少上一堂面对面的课. 

By having business professionals teach actual content, we accomplish two goals:  Students see the subject matter as more important, especially as many professionals can explain real-world applications of the subject. 除了, the professionals see into the classroom and discover why we need to support our public schools. 作为项目的一部分, 商业专业人士告诉同事他们的经验,为AG亚游集团官方网站公立学校筹集资金并获得支持. 

Be a Public School Champion and join other professionals from Wells Fargo, Assurant, 福特汽车公司, 南佛罗里达商业杂志, 陈氏老年医疗中心, 考夫曼Rossin, 道明银行, TrustServeLP, 世界Kinect, 以及其他业务. 

庆祝40周年, AG亚游集团官方网站 invites business professionals to step to the plate for the
2024-25 Teach-A-Thon so we can reach 4000 students and ensure they have the resources they need! 

The Teach-A-Thon is an exciting fundraising campaign, AG亚游集团官方网站目标是改变我们孩子的未来,同时教育商界和其他人关于教学的乐趣和挑战.  

AG亚游集团官方网站 will pair you with a current teacher for planning and support. 易于遵循的课程计划和教师支持 will ensure your teaching experience is as impactful and seamless as possible.   作为培训过程的一部分, participants learn about why students need more support in STEAM fields. 

Training is simple, fun, and a great way to network with other professionals. 公立学校冠军 either work on their own or are teamed up with a colleague. 

The campaign includes a three-month window during which 公立学校冠军 spend one to two hours teaching in their assigned classroom. 紧接着是庆功会,AG亚游集团官方网站参与者和他们的老师伙伴一起庆祝并分享成功的经历. 



  • 教训一下:
    由AG亚游集团官方网站带头, Teach-A-Thon计划邀请商业和烹饪专业人士将他们的专业知识带到迈阿密戴德县公立学校的教室. Teach a 45-minute lesson to a class of your chosen subject and grade level (elementary, 中间, 或高中).

  • 为公立学校筹款: 
    Share your unique experience with your network, helping to create more awareness about the cause. 通过用户友好的在线平台筹集资金,支持教师补助金和课堂资金,帮助学生取得成功!

  • 你将为成功做好准备: 

2024-25 Teach-A-Thon时间表: 

  • 9月24日之前:报名参加. 截止日期:10月15日
  • Mid-September: You will receive an email with your teacher’s contact 信息.
  • September - January: Coordinate with your teacher, teach your lesson, and fundraise. 


更多的 信息,联系Marilen Marnett: